De leukste oude en nieuwe Engelse kinderliedjes

engelse liedjes

Engelse kinderliedjes zingen met je kinderen is niet alleen een vrolijke bezigheid, maar ook verrassend nuttig. Het helpt bij de taalontwikkeling; kinderen pikken spelenderwijs nieuwe woorden en klanken op, wat hun Engelse woordenschat vergroot. Daarnaast bevordert zingen het geheugen en het concentratievermogen. Sociale vaardigheden De ritmische en rijmende aard van

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Big blue boat

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube I love to sail in my big blue boatmy big blue boat, my big blue boatI love to sail in my big blue boatout on the deep blue seaMy big blue boat it has two red sailstwo red sails, two red sailsMy big blue

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Being kind to each other song

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube You’re my friend so I will always be thereBeing kind and helpful is to really careIf you need my help just askYou come first and never lastYou’re my friend so I will always be there If you fall then I will pick you right

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engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube The Man in the Moon looked out of the moonLooked out of the moon and said’T is time for all children on the earthTo think about getting to bed! Extra informatie Songteksten Engelse kinderliedjes Bronvermelding —

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Bed time song

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube The evening is comingThe sun sinks to restThe crows are all flyingStraight home to the nest“Caw” says the crowAs he flies overhead“It’s time little peopleWere going to bed!”The flowers are closingThe daisy’s asleepThe primrose is buriedIn slumber so deepClosed for the nightAre the roses

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The bear

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube The other day,(The other day)I met a bear,(I met a bear)Away up there,(Away up there)A great big bear!(A great big bear!) The other day I met a bear,A great big bear a way up there! He looked at me(He looked at me)I looked at

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engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag…stop! Let’s go faster! Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag round and round.Pass the beanbag…stop! Let’s go slower! Pass the

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Bath time

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Can you wash your hair?I can wash my hair Can you wash your feet?I can wash my feet Can you wash your face?I can wash my face Can you wash your knees?I can wash my knees I can wash my hairI can wash my

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Bath song

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Isn’t taking a bath fun?Scrub a littleGet the bubbles all bubbled upScrub some moreIt’s time to get all cleaned upWhen you’re dirtyIt’s the time to take a bathAnd come out shining new Let’s get all cleaned up!A little soapCan make a lotalotta foamIf you blow it rightYou can see

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Bath song

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube I scrub a dub dub my face in the tub until it is cleanI scrub a dub dub my hands in the tub until they are clean Bath time is fun; popping bubbles one by one. Pop! Pop! I scrub a dub dub my

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