Give a wave goodbye (KidzMixFlix)
Goodbye our friends
Farewell, we’ve got to leave you
We’re never gonna pass this way again
Some say that good times last
but they deceive you
cos sadly everything comes to an end
We’ve had our moments, had our say
and now it seems we’re on our way
so give a wave goodbye
and dry the tear drops in your eye
Some one else will take our place
and fill this empty lonely space
You’re bound to wonder why
You’ll find no answer though you try
Life goes on
and there must be a reason
but the reason has eluded us so far
There’ll be changes with each passing season
so just be happy with the way things are
We’ve had our moments, had our say
Leave something to nature
You know that it’s correct
The world’s a wonderous place
You’ve got to treat her right
and give her just a little more respect
Extra informatie
Tekst en muziek: B. Corbett en J. de Plesses
Youtubekanaal van KidzMixFlix
Bron: © Sunroof Music (Blue Strike Music)