Ally bally bee

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Ally, bally, ally bally beeSittin’ on yer mammy’s kneeGreetin’ for anether bawbeeTae buy mair Coulter’s candy Ally, bally, ally bally beeWhen you grow up you’ll go to seaMakin’ pennies for your daddy and meTae buy mair Coulter’s candy Mammy gie me ma thrifty doonHere’s

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Alligator song

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Alligator, a, a, alligatorAlligator, alligatorA, a, a, a, a, a, alligator, alligatorWriggling to the rightWiggling, wiggling to the leftWriggle, wiggle its tailA, a, a, alligator, alligatorA, a, a, a, a, a, alligator, alligator,Enjoy sunbathing during the dayHiding under water at nightHaha, hunting for preyA,

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Alley cat

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Right foot right andLeft foot leftRight back right backLeft back leftRight knee right kneeLeft knee left…Right kick left kickClap and turnWe go on the prowl each nightLike an alley catLookin’ for some new delightLike an alley cat ChorusLet’s kick nowMeowLet’s turn nowMeowLet’s clap nowMeowThat’s

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All the pretty little horses

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Hush-a-bye, don’t you cryGo to sleep my little babyWhen you wake, you’ll have cakeAnd all the pretty little horses Black and bay, dapple and greyCoach and six little horsesHush-a-bye, don’t you cryGo to sleep my little babyHush-a-bye, don’t you cryGo to sleep my little

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All the little raindrops

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube If all the little raindropsWere lemondrops and lollipopsOh, if all the little raindropsWere lemondrops and lollipopsOh, what a rain that would beStanding outside, with my mouth open wideSinging La la la la, la la laLa la la, la la laLa la la la, la

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Alice the camel

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Alice the Camel has 1 humpAlice the Camel has 1 humpAlice the Camel has 1 humpGo Alice go Ruby the Rabbit has 2 earsRuby the Rabbit has 2 earsRuby the Rabbit has 2 earsGo Ruby go Sally the Sloth has 3 toesSally the Sloth

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Albuquerque Turkey


Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube Albuquerque is a turkeyAnd he’s feathered and he’s fineAnd he wobbles and he gobblesAnd he’s absolutely mine. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble get.And he wobbles and he gobbles,And he’s absolutely mine. He’s the best pet that you can get…Better than a dog

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Aiken drum

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube There was a man lived in the moon, lived in the moon, lived in the moonThere was a man lived in the moonAnd his name was Aiken Drum And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladleAnd he played upon a ladleand his

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See you later alligator

engelse liedjes

Songtekst Bekijk de clip op Youtube See You Later Alligator In awhile crocodile Bye bye butterfly Too ta loo kangarooTime to go buffalo Give a hug ladybug Blow a kiss jellyfish Just like that fat cat Take a bow milk cow See you soon baboon Extra informatie Songteksten Engelse kinderliedjes

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