Engelse kinderliedjes

Hieronder vind je een ruime verzameling songteksten van Engelse kinderliedjes. Oude, nieuwe, bekende en minder bekende liedjes. We proberen er voor te zorgen, zo compleet mogelijk te zijn. Weet je een Engels kinderliedje dat nog ontbreekt? Heb je misschien zelf een Engels liedje geschreven? Laat het ons vooral weten.


A cat came fiddling
A child this day is born
A crooked man
A day the beach
A diller, a dollar
A dimple on your cheek
A doctor
A dream is a wish your heart makes
A family fingerplay
A flea and a fly
A frog went a courtin
A peanut sat
A pirate went to sea
A pirates life for me
A swarm of bees in mey
A tisket, a tasket
A tree toad loved a she-toad
A turkey is a silly bird
A wise old owl
Aba daba honeymoon
ABC song
ABC Tumble
Act like a dog
Aeroplane, aeroplane
Aiken drum
Albuquerque Turkey
Alice the camel
All the little raindrops
All the pretty little horses
Alley cat
Alligator song
Ally bally bee
Alphabet train food
Amazing grace
An apple a day
An elephant walks like this and that
An old lady who swallowed a fly
Angels watching over me
Angels we have heard on high
Animal alphabet song
Animal fair
Animal sounds song
Anna Maria
Ants go marching
Anything you can do
Apple on a stick
Apple song
Apple song
Apple tree
Apples and bananas
Arabella Miller
Arky Arky song
Around and round the garden
As I was going along
As I was going to St. Ives
At the family farm
Auld lang syne
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves are a-faling
Autumn leaves are falling down
Autumn lullaby
Away in a manger


Baa baa black sheep
Baby and I
Baby Beluga
Baby bumble bee
Baby bye
Baby Dolly
Baby Mine
Baby shark
Baby’s bed’s a silver moon
Bake bake a cake
Balloon song
Balloon song
Banana unite
Barbecue song
Barber, barber
Bat bat come under my hat
Bath song
Bath song
Bath song
Bath time
Beanbag, beanbag
Bed time song
Being kind to each other song
Bell horses
Betty Botter
Big big big
Big blue boat
Big Eyed Owl
Billy worm
Blowin’ in the wind
Brahms lullaby
Brother John


Can you feel the love tonight (The Lion King)


Danny boy
Deck the Halls
Disco (Djumbo)
Doctor Foster
Drunken sailor


Frosty the Snowman


Go tell it on the mountain
Golden Slumbers


House of the Rising Sun
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Hush baby


I’m a little teapot
If you’re happy
Incy Wincy Spider


Jack and Jill
Jingle Bells
Joy to the world


Kum bah yah


Let it snow
London Bridge is falling down
Lullaby and good night


My Bonnie


Oh, little town of Bethlehem
Oh, Susanna
Oh, the grand old Duke of York
Old Mac Donald
One two three four five


Polly put the kettle on
Pop! goes the weasel


Rock-á-bye baby
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer


Santa Claus is coming to town
See you later, alligator
Silent Night
Sleep Baby Sleep
So this is Christmas
Swing Low Sweet Chariot


The animal fair
The bear
The First Noel
The itsy bitsy spider
The North wind doth blow
There was an old woman
This old man
Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral
Trick or treat
Trick or treat
Twelve Days of Christmas
Twinkle twinkle little star


We wish you a merry Christmas
White Christmas
Winnie The Pooh


You are my sunshine

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